West of England Cocker Club

Club News Archive 2003-2012

March 25 2012: At the AGM held today, we welcomed Shel Cowles who joins our hard working team as our newest committee member. The Club has had another successful year but sadly the annual newsletter will not be produced this year as Wendy our current editor can no longer continue with the task due to her other commitments. If any member has the time and would like to volunteer to be newsletter editor, please get in touch with Club Secretary, Sandra Gregory.

October 9th 2011: At our Championship Show this year, club members and exhibitors joined in celebrating recent "landmark" birthdays for committee members, Sally Leeding, Margaret Pitt and Gill Moutrey. A cake and wine was provided for all to share. Photo below shows Sally, Margaret and Gill with the cake.

Birthday Cake 2011

March 20 2011: At this year's AGM, we welcomed two new committee members, Megan Oliver and her Mum Jenny, to the West of England team

March 28 2010: At this year's AGM, Derek Shapland was elected as Club President, having been Acting President since Ken's sad death in 2009. There were no other changes to the Officers & Committee and reports were made of another successful year for the Club.

April 16 2009: Sadly our recently elected President, Ken McFarlane, died today. Ken has been such an important part of West of England Club for so many years that it seems impossible to imagine the Club without him. A fuller tribute can be found HERE

March 2009 : A number of changes were announced at this year's AGM. Peggy Grayson sadly announced her retirement from the position of President after a number of years of giving invaluable support to the Club. We are very grateful for her contribution and hope we will still see her at some Club shows in the future. Ken McFarlane has very kindly agreed to become our new President. We also welcomed a new Club Secretary, Sandra Gregory, who takes over from Adam Murray who has been our hardworking Secretary since 2005 but has had to step down due to other commitments (but happily remains on the Committee). Sandra will be well-known to many West of England members as she has a long association with the Club and was at one time Club Treasurer. She is also known for her Glasfryn kennel of particoloured Cockers. Last but not least, we welcomed a new Committee member, Wendy Grist and hope she enjoys being a member of the West of England "team".

Andrew & Adam
Chairman Andrew Jones presents retiring Secretary Adam
Murray with a gift from the Club

March 2008 : The AGM reflected a year of consolidation for the Club with no changes in Officers or Committee.

March 2007: At this year's AGM, Secretary Adam Murray welcomed two new committee members, Sue Hutchings and Chris Cook and one returning committee member (formerly Club Treasurer), Coral Shapland.

March 5 2006: At the AGM, Club Secretary Adam Murray reported another successful year during which the Club ran it's bi-annual Championship Show, two Open Shows as well as a Judging Seminar with Hands-On Assessment. Sadly the Club had to say goodbye to two much valued members, Mike Sibley (who served as Vice Chairman) & his wife Pat, due to Mike's ill-health and subsquent sad death at too early an age. He made a big contribution to the Club's success over the past few years and will be sorely missed by everyone. We hope one day that Pat will feel able to return to the Club but in the meantime, Tom Watson was elected to serve on the committee and Carol McFarlane was elected as Vice Chairman.

February 28 2005: At the AGM, Mel Sharples handed over the Secretary's baton to Adam Murray. Although Mel had only been in office for a short time, she helped the Club achieve another successful year, notable by increased entries at all 2004's shows. The Club thanks Mel for all her hard work over the last year & wish her the very best of luck for the future. Other changes to the Club team included the introduction of two new committee members, April Murray & Fiona Watson. It was also decided to make Jeanne Lamb a Vice-President to acknowlege her valuable contribution to the Club over many years. Jeanne has not enjoyed the best of health lately but we hope to see her at a Club show very soon.

March 14 2004: At the AGM, Derek & Coral Shapland retired from office as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Coral has served as Treasurer for 17 years and Derek as Secretary for 15 years. Both have worked extremely hard for the Club but understandably now feel the time is right for a much deserved break. They will be a tough act to follow and will be much missed. It was decided to make both Derek & Coral life members of the Club in recognition of their long service & Jeanne Lamb was also honoured with life membership (Jeanne being one of the original founding members of the Club) Other changes to the Committee included the resignation of Clive Taylor and the retirement of Sally Leeding from her postion as Newsletter Editor after many years of service (although Sally remains a serving committee member).

Taking over as Secretary is Mel Sharples (Kanietter Cockers) and Denise Fox (Castanea) is our new Treasurer. Joining the committee for the first time are Adam Murray, Jackie Jarman and Margaret Pitt.

Andrew Jones (Chairman) presenting Derek & Coral
with their retirement gift on behalf of the Club

Retirement Presentation For Derek and Coral Shapland

March 14 2003: At the AGM, long standing Chairman, Mr K McFarlane, retired from office after 12 years valued service to the Club & was given a gift to mark the occasion. He will be much missed, but happily we are not losing him completely as he is now one of the Club's Vice Presidents & we should still be seeing him at Club shows, raffle tickets in hand! Andrew Jones takes over as Chairman with Mike Sibley replacing him as Vice-Chairman. Mrs P Sibley becomes our newest Committee member.

Andrew Jones presenting retiring
Chairman,Ken McFarlane, with his gift

Retirement Presentation for Ken McFarlane