West of England Cocker Club

Club News

April 23 2023: Sandra Gregory's Retirement

At the Club's AGM Sandra Gregory retired from her role as Secretary to the Club. This was Sandra's second stint at this role and both she and her husband Ian have been long standing committee members off the Club.

Lucky for the Club Sandra is remaining on the Committee.

Sandra's Retirement in 2023
Club Chairperson Coral Shapland presenting Sandra with a gift on behalf of the Club.

January 9th 2017: Denise Fox
Denise's many friends in dogs, and especially Cocker Spaniels will be very sad to hear that she passed away on Monday 9th January 2017. Denise had been unwell for a while, but this came as a complete shock to all of us. Denise was well known for her beautiful Castanea Cockers, mostly dark blues. Some of the best known were Sh Ch Castanea Sweet Surrender to Terriles, owned and campaigned by the late Lesley Spencer, Castanea Sonneteer, her beloved Austin, who won a Res CC at Crufts, Castanea Cockney Rebel and his litter sister, Castanea Wild n Wicked, who won 2 Res CCs, and her daughter Castanea Where Rainbows End, owned by Tony and Fiona Watson.
Not widely used at stud, Cockney Rebel (Alfie) made his mark as a stud dog, siring CC winners Glowhill Hope Springs, and Alisma Arisian, who also won a Res CC. Also Res CC winners Alisma Adley, Alisma Zacharius and our own Glasfryn Angelina. Other notable winners sired by him were Ashalon Strawberry Blonde and Sonham Blue Diamond. Apologies if I have missed any others.
Denise was a popular judge, who awarded CCs on 3 occasions, South Wales and Mon CSC, LKA and East Anglia CSC, and was due to judge at Three Counties this year.
Denise worked hard for Cockers, having been Treasurer of the West of England CSC for 12 years, and serving for many years previously as a Committee member; she loved the breed so much and would help anyone.
The world of Cocker Spaniels is very much the poorer for her passing, we will miss her enormously.
Sandra Gregory (Acting Hon Secretary)

March 22nd 2015: At today's AGM, Andrew Jones retired as Club Chairman having served for 12 years in the post. The photo below shows Derek Shapland, Club President, presenting Andrew with gifts from the Club as a thank you for his service to the Club. Andrew will continue to be a member of the Committee while Sandra Gregory now takes over the Chairman's role. Sadly Shel Cowles is no longer able to serve as a committee member but the Club thanks him for his contibution over the last 3 years.

Andrew Jones retiring as Chairman

February 21st 2015: Jeanne Lamb, a life member and Honorary Vice President of the Club, sadly died today. Jeanne had a very long standing connection to West of England Cocker Club, having first joined in 1949. Family and business commitments took over for quite a while but then in the 80s and 90s Jeanne, with daughter Hester, was able to get back to showing and breeding their beloved Chadway Cocker Spaniels as well as working hard for West of England Cocker Club. Many will remember Jeanne manning the Bring and Buy Stall during those years (always with her trademark smile), while Hester kept the Club trophies and cups in immaculate order. Several officers and members of West of England Cocker Club attended Jeanne's funeral on March 11th to say goodbye - Jeanne will be very sadly missed by all her family and friends.

March 24th 2013: At the AGM held today, Sandra Gregory retired as Club Secretary. The Photo below shows Chairman Andrew Jones presenting Sandra with a gift from the Club, given in appreciation for all her hard work over the years. Adam Murray was re-elected Secretary in Sandra's place but due to personal reasons has had to resign so Tony Watson has now kindly agreed to step into the role of Acting Secretary.

Sandra Gregory and Andrew Jones

News Archive (2003-2012)